Join us for a memorable day on the green with friends at NewCov’s Annual Golf Tournament! Proceeds benefit Gospel Empowerment Ministry in the Philppines and NewCov Men’s Ministry. Enjoy the beautiful outdoors, good food, and fun contests Register now for Don’t miss this one!
$125 | Player (Early Bird)
$145 | Player (After Sep 29)
$500 | Foursome
Includes: Cart (Every 2 Players), Breakfast Burrito, Hamburger/Hotdog Lunch
$20 | Mulligan
$125 | Pay For A Pastor
$3,000 | Eagle Sponsor (Premiere Marketing) + 2 Foursomes + Tee Sponsor$2,500 | Player Gift Sponsor (Swag Marketing) + Tee Sponsor
$1,500 | Birdie Sponsor (Event Marketing) + Foursome + Tee Sponsor
$1,500 | Meal Sponsor (Sign at Meal Location) + Foursome + Tee Sponsor
$700 | Foursome + Tee Sponsor
$300 | Tee Sponsor (Tee Sign, Print & Online)
• Four Person Scramble
• Longest Drive
• Closest To The Pin
• Hole In One
$10 | 6 Tickets
$15 | 20 Tickets
$40 | 30 Tickets
Prizes will be announced at the tourney.
Contact Scott for more info