1 PETER | FINDING LIVING HOPE IN AN UPSIDE-DOWN WORLD | WEEK 3OCT 15, 2023GARY MOLANDER   [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Download Notes" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" icon_position="" icon_color="" icon_background_color="" icon_background_hover_color="" link="https://www.newcov.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Upside-Down-World-week-3-blanks.pdf" target="_blank" color="#777777" hover_color="#72c3c6" background_color="#ffffff" hover_background_color="#ffffff" border_color="#777777" hover_border_color="#72c3c6" border_width="2px" font_size="" font_style="normal" font_weight="" margin="5px" padding="" border_radius=""]  [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Bible App"...

1 PETER | FINDING LIVING HOPE IN AN UPSIDE-DOWN WORLD | WEEK 2OCT 8, 2023SCOTT BORMAN   [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Download Notes" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" icon_position="" icon_color="" icon_background_color="" icon_background_hover_color="" link="https://www.newcov.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Upside-Down-World-week-2-blanks.pdf" target="_blank" color="#777777" hover_color="#72c3c6" background_color="#ffffff" hover_background_color="#ffffff" border_color="#777777" hover_border_color="#72c3c6" border_width="2px" font_size="" font_style="normal" font_weight="" margin="5px" padding="" border_radius=""]  [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Bible App"...

1 PETER | FINDING LIVING HOPE IN AN UPSIDE-DOWN WORLD | WEEK 1OCT 1, 2023SCOTT BORMAN   [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Download Notes" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" icon_position="" icon_color="" icon_background_color="" icon_background_hover_color="" link="https://www.newcov.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Upside-Down-World-week-1-blanks.docx-1.pdf" target="_blank" color="#777777" hover_color="#72c3c6" background_color="#ffffff" hover_background_color="#ffffff" border_color="#777777" hover_border_color="#72c3c6" border_width="2px" font_size="" font_style="normal" font_weight="" margin="5px" padding="" border_radius=""]  [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Bible App"...

THE STORY | CREATION, SEPARATION, RECONCILIATION, REDEMPTION | WEEK 4SEP 24, 2023RON KILLIAN [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Download Notes" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" icon_position="" icon_color="" icon_background_color="" icon_background_hover_color="" link="https://www.newcov.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/The-Story-week-4-with-blanks.pdf" target="_blank" color="#777777" hover_color="#72c3c6" background_color="#ffffff" hover_background_color="#ffffff" border_color="#777777" hover_border_color="#72c3c6" border_width="2px" font_size="" font_style="normal" font_weight="" margin="5px" padding="" border_radius=""]  [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Bible App" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" icon_position=""...

THE STORY | CREATION, SEPARATION, RECONCILIATION, REDEMPTION | WEEK 3SEP 17, 2023SCOTT BORMAN [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Download Notes" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" icon_position="" icon_color="" icon_background_color="" icon_background_hover_color="" link="https://www.newcov.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/The-Story-week-3-with-blanks.docx.pdf" target="_blank" color="#777777" hover_color="#72c3c6" background_color="#ffffff" hover_background_color="#ffffff" border_color="#777777" hover_border_color="#72c3c6" border_width="2px" font_size="" font_style="normal" font_weight="" margin="5px" padding="" border_radius=""]  [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Bible App" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" icon_position=""...

THE STORY | CREATION, SEPARATION, RECONCILIATION, REDEMPTION | WEEK 2SEP 10, 2023JARED CARL [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Download Notes" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" icon_position="" icon_color="" icon_background_color="" icon_background_hover_color="" link="https://www.newcov.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/The-Story-week-2-with-blanks.pdf" target="_blank" color="#777777" hover_color="#72c3c6" background_color="#ffffff" hover_background_color="#ffffff" border_color="#777777" hover_border_color="#72c3c6" border_width="2px" font_size="" font_style="normal" font_weight="" margin="5px" padding="" border_radius=""]  [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Bible App" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" icon_position=""...

THE STORY | CREATION, SEPARATION, RECONCILIATION, REDEMPTION | WEEK 1SEP 3, 2023GARY MOLANDER [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Download Notes" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" icon_position="" icon_color="" icon_background_color="" icon_background_hover_color="" link="https://www.newcov.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/The-Story-week-1-with-blanks.pdf" target="_blank" color="#777777" hover_color="#72c3c6" background_color="#ffffff" hover_background_color="#ffffff" border_color="#777777" hover_border_color="#72c3c6" border_width="2px" font_size="" font_style="normal" font_weight="" margin="5px" padding="" border_radius=""]  [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Bible App" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" icon_position=""...

BATTLE READY | TURNING THE TIDES OF SPIRITUAL WAR | WEEK 4AUG 27, 2023JARED CARL [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Download Notes" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" icon_position="" icon_color="" icon_background_color="" icon_background_hover_color="" link="https://www.newcov.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Battle-Week-4-with-blanks.pdf" target="_blank" color="#777777" hover_color="#72c3c6" background_color="#ffffff" hover_background_color="#ffffff" border_color="#777777" hover_border_color="#72c3c6" border_width="2px" font_size="" font_style="normal" font_weight="" margin="5px" padding="" border_radius=""]  [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Bible App" icon_pack=""...

BATTLE READY | TURNING THE TIDES OF SPIRITUAL WAR | WEEK 3AUG 20, 2023SCOTT BORMAN [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Download Notes" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" icon_position="" icon_color="" icon_background_color="" icon_background_hover_color="" link="https://www.newcov.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Battle-Week-3-with-blanks.pdf" target="_blank" color="#777777" hover_color="#72c3c6" background_color="#ffffff" hover_background_color="#ffffff" border_color="#777777" hover_border_color="#72c3c6" border_width="2px" font_size="" font_style="normal" font_weight="" margin="5px" padding="" border_radius=""]  [no_button size="small" style="float:left;" text="Bible App" icon_pack=""...

BATTLE READY | TURNING THE TIDES OF SPIRITUAL WAR | WEEK 2AUG 13, 2023JOSH MANNING Download & Print Notes Bible App   https://www.youtube.com/live/WQ0UQfvpKxY?feature=share   Theme Scripture 10 Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of...

BATTLE READY | TURNING THE TIDES OF SPIRITUAL WAR | WEEK 1AUG 6, 2023JARED CARL Download & Print Notes Bible App   https://www.youtube.com/live/2zmHhjZ8fsE?feature=share   You’re in a battle. Be battle ready. Our battle is with Satan not “them.” 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that...

BREAKTHROUGH | VICTORY IS ON THE OTHER SIDE | WEEK 5JULY 30, 2023RON KILLIAN Download & Print Notes Bible App   https://www.youtube.com/live/HXVVU_My9Z0?feature=share   WE’RE IN THIS TOGETHER. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.Hebrews 10:25...

BREAKTHROUGH | VICTORY IS ON THE OTHER SIDE | WEEK 2JULY 9, 2023JARED CARL Download & Print Notes Bible App   https://www.youtube.com/live/N9gpjc_IgiQ?feature=share   Victory is on the other side of vulnerability. PRIMARY RESPONSES TO SHAME: 1. Cover 2. Hide 3. Blame REASONS WE AVOID CONFESSING SIN: 1. We don’t think it’s that bad. 5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature:...

CELEBRATION SUNDAY | DOUBLING DOWNJUNE 25, 2023SCOTT BORMAN Watch Service Download & Print Notes Bible App We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.Hebrews 2:1 WHEN WE DRIFT LIFE LOSES PURPOSE. 2 “Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is...

COUNTER CULTURE | SERMON ON THE MOUNT | WEEK 8JUNE 18, 2023RON KILLIAN Watch Service Download & Print Notes Bible App 12 “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. 13 “You can...

COUNTER CULTURE | SERMON ON THE MOUNT | WEEK 8JUNE 11, 2023PAT CALLAHAN Watch Service Download & Print Notes Bible App 1 Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. 2 For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by...

COUNTER CULTURE | SERMON ON THE MOUNT | WEEK 7JUNE 4, 2023SCOTT BORMAN Watch Service Download & Print Notes Bible App 25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more...

COUNTER CULTURE | SERMON ON THE MOUNT | WEEK 6MAY 28, 2023GARY MOLANDER Watch Service Download & Print Notes Bible App MY RELATIONSHIP TO MONEY • What was I taught about money in my family of origin? • Do I feel like money controls me, or like I control it? • Do...

COUNTER CULTURE | SERMON ON THE MOUNT | WEEK 4MAY 14, 2023RON KILLIAN Watch Service Download & Print Notes Bible App “I’m after your heart.” – Jesus • ETHICS VS. COMPLIANCE Right vs. Legal Spirit vs. Letter • My conduct is never to be based upon the response of another, but upon my responsibility to please the Lord. ...

COUNTER CULTURE | SERMON ON THE MOUNT | WEEK 3May 7, 2023SCOTT BORMAN Watch Service Download & Print Notes Bible App Kingdom living is a commitment to God’s view of people. 21 You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder and anyone who murders will be...