Wednesday Nights

Sessions are held throughout the year, and are NOT held every week. Save this page and check back for series dates/times.

Connecting is an important part of what we do at NewCov, because we believe that scripture makes it clear we are not meant to do life alone.

Connect Groups meet every week, which typically involves gathering around a table and sharing — of our time, of our stories, of our thoughts, and of our prayers. Our Connect Groups become “our people” at NewCov; friends you can connect with through life’s joyous highs and difficult lows. There are always new Connect Groups forming at NewCov, and you’re welcome to hop into existing ones, too.

Wednesday Nights are designed to help you worship and connect to Jesus while building relationships with the church family. Each series lasts 6-8 weeks and includes time for study, conversation, reflection, and prayer.  You’ll gather around a table with 8-12 people to offer encouragement, prayer, and opportunities to grow closer to Christ. The best part… you get to do it together.

Learn more about joining a Connect Group below.

Email Lisa for more info.

 [email protected]

Begins: Jan 15
Ends: Feb 12

When Your Way Isn’t Working

Maybe you’ve found recently that you are getting more irritable with people. Or you’re feeling more overwhelmed and defeated by the challenges that life is throwing your way. Or you’re spending more time scanning social media than you are connecting with God in prayer. Even doing things your way isn’t working out the way you think it should.

If you’re feeling discouraged, frustrated, and worn out, it’s a good indication that something in your life is out of sync. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem found in Scripture. In John 15:5, Jesus tells his followers, “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit, apart from me you can’t do anything.” Instead of going it alone in this life, we are to stay connected to him.”

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Why You Should Join A Connect Group

A greater sense of community & connection

Being a part of a Connect Group ensures that when you most desperately need support and encouragement, you have a great group of people to rely on. Simply knowing you have “your people” that you can count on, makes all the difference when times get hard.

A place for spiritual exploration and growth

Connect Groups are an environment where people are encouraged & supported as they open up and share stories, experiences, thoughts, ideas, and feelings while exploring God’s Word.

An opportunity to serve others

Connect Groups are encouraged to get involved in service opportunities as a group at NewCov and in the community.  In addition to helping others, these are opportunities to serve alongside each other as you strengthen friendships.

How do I join a Connect Group?

Signing up for a Connect Group is pretty simple. If you’d like to join a Wednesday Night Connect Group, you can sign up above, at Guest Services on Sundays, or just show up next Wednesday Night and we’ll take care of you. If you’d like to find out more about Bible-studies, service opportunities, or other groups at NewCov, inquire at Guest Services on Sunday Mornings.

Which group should I join?

That depends! Some of our Connect Groups are open to everyone in every walk of life, and some of them are designed to suit certain people best. Wednesday Night Connect Groups are a great place to start, as everyone is welcome and you can connect with others who may be involved in different areas at NewCov.

How long is a Connect Group commitment?

Only the length of a sermon series, which is generally 6-8 weeks long. It is entirely up to you if you choose to continue or not after the series is over.

I'm interested in leading a Connect Group. What's involved?

Leading a Connect Group is easy. Just making a commitment to meet regularly with a group of up to 12 people on a regular basis. You will be provided a study guide that will facilitate your group’s discussion. You will be asked to attend periodic training sessions to keep you up to date on important information and to share ideas to make your group’s experience the best possible. Your commitment to lead a group can be as short as a sermon series or as long as you’d like.